Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More is Less...and Less is More?

M – While I hate to start my first post by calling you out, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I must reference the line in your first post claiming that we “more or less” are off the parents dole. This, my dearest readers, is an outright understatement. I speak for both of us when I say that our parents have supplied our rent money since the beginning of our respective moves to Chicago – and beyond that, even more money for various reasons (car getting towed, groceries, utility bills, decadent lunches and shopping on Michigan Ave). While M might have an excuse for her parents feeding her funds (not having a job), I am troubled with finding my own. I got a job two weeks after moving here and while it certainly doesn’t pay what I feel is an amount I could live off of with no support, I often find myself wondering why it is that I can’t contribute even the smallest sum to each month’s rent. Could it be the $90 tab at the “down-to-earth” bars where M and I slam multiple blueberry sexcrackers while running our mouths amuck to any patron willing to listen? Perhaps it’s the $20 pizzas we order from Papa Romeo’s after a long night at said ‘down to earth’ bars? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the hundreds of dollars we’ve spent on cab fare while out for an evening*. Or perhaps it’s that cab fare home from the Christmas Party, where you find yourself awake at 6 am, at first not knowing where you are, then realizing you DO know where you are – you just don’t know who you’re sleeping next to (alright…you know his name, where he’s from, where he went to school – that counts for something, right?). So you stumble out of bed, searching for the clothes you were scantily clad in last night, topped off with the reindeer slippers you chose to wear that make as much noise as a fucking parade every time you take a step. Panicky, you are searching for your undershirt and your dignity before waking the guy – because talking to him right now would just be awkward. You hop in a cab and are safely home by 620 am. Hey, I may be out $12 and an undershirt, but I’ve since found my dignity. What a digression…onto another topic.

Work. Today at work, I had a Diversity Awareness Meeting. The speaker created an exercise with the following “people” stapled to each corner of the room:
A) White, Male, Gay, Unemployed, Executive
B) Black, Female, Clerk with a GED
C) Homeless, Recovering Drug Addict, Living in car with 2 kids
D) East Indian Merchant, Limited language skills, uncertain of citizenship

Everyone in the meeting had to go to the person they would choose to be. Can you guess which one I chose? Enough suspense. I went with D, the Indian. We were to then discuss within the corners why other people in the group chose the same person you did. Two guys went ahead of me, with reasons like…’he probably has a really good family, the culture is rich, money doesn’t necessarily mean happiness, etc..’ basically just really profound, deep answers. I followed up by saying, “I agree with all that has been said…and I also really like Indian food”. Shallow? Indeed. But I must confess, that was how I chose my corner. All those situations are less than great, and if I had to be in one of them, I would at least want to be munching on some delicious delights. So there was my morning in a nutshell. Now I have to get going, back to work… (Or really starting, since the meeting ended an hour ago and I’ve been checking email/blogs/myspace and then writing this).

*To give credit where credit is due, at least we aren’t drinking and driving. And I think I can sleep easier at night knowing that part of the reason why I don’t pay any of my rent is because I’m RESPONSIBLE enough not to put lives in danger by drunk driving. That’s seriously mature.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

And So It Begins...

Hello loyal reader(s). Welcome to The Blog. Initially titled "Are You There Blog, It's Me Margaret," and since changed to "Sex Crackers," due to the addition of a contributer. The Sex Crackers are made up of two friends "M" and "C" based in Chicago, just figuring out what life off (more or less) the parents dole is all about. I'll let "C" do her own talking, so for now, its all about me.

Right now I'm watching a "Two-A-Days" marathon and eating chips and salsa. Thats right folks, and all on a week day. Why is my life so luxurious, you ask? I ain't got no job. And sad to say, it IS for lack of trying. As much as I hate being bored, I hate working even more. Enough about that, it bores me just to talk about work!!

I have tons of great girlfriends in Chicago, so our weekends are ALWAYS momentous. Half my friends enjoy the down-to-earth bar scene, while the other half, like to roll big at the clubs. I'm somewhere in the middle. I just like to party.